The story on the Soapie is simple. Too much soap...too little time! After cleaning up the bathroom time and time again after our little ones, we realized there must be a solution to the tiny soap pieces that were constantly creating "gook" in the soap holder, and "goo" in the drain. The solution: the Soapie!

What started out as a simple solution turned into a journey. The Soapie Shoppe started our as a FIX for bar soap, but turned into a MAKER of bar soap, as well.

The Soapie is an eco-friendly way to exfoliate naturally, without the use of the plastic loofa, and at the same time, keep the bathroom free of bars of soap. The Soapie acts as a bar of soap, and washcloth in one. So no more unsightly soap, and no more soggy washcloths! The Soapie is a Personal Soap Dispenser for Every a Family Member!

Then Soapie met Soap: they went to the Mall & the Rest is Soapie Shoppe History!

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